Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Next Steps: the November 5th Plan of Action!

November 4, 2008 is past, today is a new day with new challenges.  If you think that electing Barack Obama was the ultimate goal, you are so wrong.  Today ought to be a day of celebration, for history has been made.  Yes, just 7 years after the attacks of 9/11, we have elected a black man with the middle-name of "Hussein" as President of the United States.  What a monumental declaration!  But the game board has only been reset... now we must change the game altogether.

The purge of the Republican extremists and the Neo-Con philosophy has nearly come full circle.  No more Cheney.  No more Rove.  Bush will eventually be gone.  Today the progressives of America must begin the massive organization that will be necessary to enact true change.  For change is merely a political device if there is no pressure on the promises.

It is time for the millions who share common goals to unite and show how people can put democracy to action.  Yes, I am calling out to the democratic idealists, the environmentalists, the peace advocates, and the anti-imperialists to rise up together!  To the Ron Paul Revolutionaries and the Ralph Naderophiles, today is your day!  To the consumer advocates who fight the abuses of corporate power, the time is now!  To every single person who understands that our nation must radically reform our way of governing for there to be a future United States of America, it is time for your voices to be heard!!

What I am saying is that the energy of this amazing election must continue into a new era of populist activism.  If Obama doesn't have the mandate and the external push for change, he will not succeed as we all want him to--as the country needs him to.  Do not be fooled, readers of SkyeWire: there are very powerful forces that are against a new progressive era.  They supported Barack Obama because he ran an extremely moderate campaign... he was a safe bet.  But this must not stand.  Barack Obama promised MAJOR CHANGE, but he cannot do it without the political capital.  In other words, it is up to powerful and clever organization--based in grassroots--to come together on major issues and demand change.  The country has given the Democrats one last sweeping leap of faith--to let them try, once last time, to make good on their failed promises of the past 40 years.  Now we must hold them accountable.

So what to do?  I have some preliminary proposals, but these will obviously develop in the coming months and years.  

A.) Join the Revolution: yes, I am talking about Ron Paul's "Campaign for Liberty" ... You do not need to be a Libertarian to understand that the American Empire must come to an end, the tax system must be radically reformed, and civil liberty must take precedence!  Ron Paul's dark horse campaign showed that millions (liberals, conservative, moderates, etc.) are dissatisfied with what our nation has become, and to support this cause is noble.

B.) Join the November 5th movement: The final presidential campaign of Ralph Nader has become a major advocacy group dedicated to urging the Congress to pursue a progressive agenda and to fight the corporate stranglehold.   Based on the powerful idea of grassroots organization, November 5 calls upon citizens in the 435 congressional districts to fight for the next 100 days for major reform within the country's most powerful institution: the Congress.

C.) Be well informed: this does not mean CNN or FOX News This does not mean just CNN and FOX.  I am talking about developing a broader understanding of issues, which means expanding from your primary sources.  As citizens we must train ourselves to rely on solid and independent news sources in order to make sound judgements, while also keeping up on what the mainstream networks are saying.  Readers will see that to the left of the page, I have listed some of my favorite news sources... independent, liberal, conservative, and moderate ones alike.  The point is to have an open mind and not to dismiss certain sources based on bias.

D.) USE THE FRIGGIN INTERNET: Don't take my word for anything!  Solid information and organization is available on the internet if you are will to seek it out.  Connect with those who share your plight, communicate, and plan for action.  If people use this revolutionary resource to its fullest potential, they will discover that there are millions of like-minded activists.

There will be more in the coming days, but the main idea is that we mustn't relent from this grand opportunity to change the country and determine our future.  This thing ain't over!  We can still take back our is within reach!  We now have an administration that is receptive to change... now we must follow through.  The fight will be long.  It will be demoralizing at times.  No one said democracy is easy, but in the words of Winston Churchill:
Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
With optimism and resolve.
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