Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Eric Holder: Legit Attourney General for Once?

Last semester, John Ashcroft spoke at Denison--he was the former Attourney General under President Junior, and a big supporter of the War on Terror, warrantless wiretapping, torture, etc. He spoke the typical rhetoric of spreading "freedom" and protecting Americans at whatever cost. I found him to be naive in his assumptions, and heartless in his justifications for revoking civil liberties. A Jordanian classmate of mine asked him what "freedom" truly meant, and if it was indeed democratic to impose our values on another people. He dodged the question.

And of course, our next AG was Alberto "I cannot recall" Gonzales--and because my words can hardly do these guys justice, I'll hand over the reigns to the Daily Show team:

It will be vital for the integrity of the nation that President Obama restore the justice to the Justice Department by appointing a passionate, honest, and talented Attourney General. One that will restore law and order, and resurrect Habeas Corpus. One who will lead the charge for human rights and end torture. One who will hold our leadership accountable. Eric Holder is the man President-Elect Obama has chosen, and I think he could be the man for the job--though I shall reserve my judgment until he proves himself as the nation's lawyer. There are critics of the man--in particular, Progressive critics on the left--but I'd like to show you an excerpt from Glenn Greenwald's reaction to the nomination:
The bulk of what I've read about and from Holder suggests, with a couple of ultimately marginal exceptions, that this appointment would be a very positive step. Digby yesterday quoted at length from an impassioned speech Holder gave in June of this year in which he condemned Guantanamo as an "international embarrassment"; charged that "for the last 6 years the position of leader of the Free World has been largely vacant"; complained that "we authorized torture and we let fear take precedence over the rule of law"; and called for an absolute end both to rendition and warrantless eavesdropping. He proclaimed that "the next president must move immediately to reclaim America's standing in the world as a nation that cherishes and protects individual freedom and basic human rights."

What's notable about this speech, in my view, is that the points he's making go well beyond standard Democratic Party boilerplate on these issues. More revealingly, the rhetoric he used is rather unconstrained for Washington, suggestive of actual passion and conviction on these matters.

Sound promising to me. But we shall see.

For more on Holder (positive and negative reactions) see:
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