Monday, November 17, 2008

It's About the Kids

As I read and watch the crazies who vehemently supported Proposition 8, the most overwhelming reasoning is that we must ban same-sex marriage for the sake of the children. Because kids with two dads or two moms will have "dysfunctional" upbringing. Well here are some of the Prop 8 campaign commercials... do you think these kids are being used (the young ones)?

To put such a cozy and innocent spin on a Proposition of Hate just seems wrong... this girl surely has no idea of what she is really doing... hopefully she'll look back in disgust of her parents:

I was going to let the Mormons get by this time without mention, but when I found out they used a theme song from the show LOST to put as the background of a loony Prop 8 commercial (loony because of the scripture... and because the LDS Church believes in magic underwear... and a man in the sky) I just had to rip on them:

Oh please, your scriptures are silly. And by the way, marriage was around long before religion was... and it's been changing throughout history. Religious people don't have a monopoly on social concerns of others, and they should have no say on state constitutions.

And to think, in England, it's actually an embarrassment for politicians to speak about their religion. Why? Because them Europeans actually understand that religion is insane!

PS: where's that black dude we just elected?
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