Monday, February 8, 2010

The Most Important Television Show

Three.  Two.  One.  Time for Real Time!  I'm not so privy to writing about pop culture and t.v., but this is one show you better not miss.  As the Democrats in Washington squirm in their own slimy ineptitude, and us educated folks watch in utter disbelief, Bill Maher prepares to bring us back to Earth with his "so true" wit and intellectually diverse guest panelists.  It is the most important show of our day because it asks the questions that the news will not and cuts deeper than the Daily Show could ever hope.  Plus it makes me laugh.

It is fearless and cunning in its design and execution.  No guest is taboo--watching Ron Paul, George Carlin, Gore Vidal, Joe Scarborough, Mike Gravel, Chris Rock, Christopher Hitchens, Bill Moyers, Larry King, and Ashton Kutcher chat on a panel has never been so much fun!  Maher is an expert at bringing together lefties and righties and all the others in between, cutting past the personalities and ideology so that we may bear witness to an actual conversation about things that matter.  Sure, Bill might be a pot-smoking liberal, but he's smart and doesn't allow the show to disintegrate into partisan hackery.  Indeed, this entertainment show is of greater quality and information than any on FOX, MSNBC, and CNN.

If you have not checked it out, please do so.  For in these times of political and societal insanity, we need someone who can level with us.  To prove that it isn't just you going crazy.  Plus, the show is hilarious.  We all need a good laugh these days.

The new season premieres on HBO Friday, Feb 13 at 10!

This is great:
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