Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be Glad Bayh is Gone, Now Progressives Need to Fight!

Lots of news these days... First of all, people should not be so upset that Senator Evan Bayh has decided a reelection bid.  This guy is scum.  Not saying he is a bad man, but he is an obstructionist.  If you have been wondering who to be mad at over health care paralyzation, honestly you ought not blame the Republicans.  Democrats, with a supermajority have not been able to make any of the sweeping reforms that they promised.  That the people elected them to accomplish.  It is because people like Evan Bayh's wife have received millions of dollars from mega-interests like Wellpoint, a giant health insurance company.  These interests certainly expect something in return (i.e. no comprehensive health reform!).  Evan Bayh is not a "centrist" Democrat, he is a corporatist, plain and simple.  Glad to be rid of him.

The downside to his decision, however, could be that someone worse will win the seat.  This is within the realm of possibility, but hopefully Indiana progressives can rally behind a strong candidate.  Of course, the weakness of the progressive movement is a serious problem.  I can only resort to books and articles to recall a time when progressives actually cared enough to act in the streets.  Or at least to have a regular conversation on political matters.  To be informed.  Nowadays, these behaviors are considered taboo.  I know because I experience it on a regular basis.  Americans, particularly kids, are severely distracted by technology and pop culture.  Dangerously so.  We are in the 7th and 9th year of two serious wars, and who could give a damn?  During the Vietnam War college student protesters were shot and teargassed for their opposition.  Sure, we elected Obama, but if there is no substance behind the vote, then where is the change?  If there is no spirit to fight for the most important of causes, to hold Obama and Congress to the fire for health care, climate change, and financial reforms then who would expect them to happen?  Congress is terribly corrupt, so it will take a lot of pushing to get these things done.

The push is stronger than in the Bush years, but still not enough to make critical changes for our society's sake.  We need to wake up.
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