Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fight the Power

Well, friends, the time has come for me to take the SkyeWire offline.  I started this blog in the midst of a period of hyper-intellectualism and political anger, I end it in a period of creativity and overwhelming optimism.  It was 3 years ago exactly when the SkyeWire started, and it has evolved side-by-side with its author.  An important outlet for a troubled youth.

This evening, I proudly present my final tidbits of knowledge, opinion, and battle orders.

There are a few key things an American citizen must know:  1)You are a people with extraordinary potential;  2) ALL cable news (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc) belongs in Communist Russia; 3) Democrats and Republicans are on the same corporate team; 4) Barack Obama is not and will never be a revolutionary; 5) Republicans are still extremely dangerous; 6) It's going to be OKAY!  Live Life!

There are big mid-term elections coming up, and I expect every able citizen to cast a vote.  Get registered!! Democrats might be tools who lost their progressive values, but the country will survive longer with them in charge.  Keep the jerks in power, otherwise war with Iran will come closer to reality than you think.  Not that Dems aren't militant, they are.  Just not as much.

Never forget the Iraq War.  An attack planned by a small group of radical nationalists and facilitated by almost every Democrat and Republican in the Senate.  In my opinion, every person who voted for this unnecessary and devastating war ought to lose their seat.  Over a million Iraqis are dead, and the citizens of America need to take responsibility for it.  We did not march in protest like the millions around the world.  It is our fault for not being vigilant and critical enough.

President Obama has shown his true colors in recent weeks.  He has declared the end of the Iraq War, yet my friend Eric Shoopman still fights.  Indeed, 50,000 troops remain... many of the others have simply been replaced by private military contractors (i.e. Blackwater mercenaries).  Obama is no Martin Luther King or Gandhi.  He is a corporate Democrat who runs a moderate government.  I am still rooting for the man, but everyone needs to know the difference between the maintainers of the status quo and truly transformational leaders who direct a civilization.  We will have our leader one day.

These are the state of affairs, but do not despair.  The country is slowly pulling itself together, progress is happening.  The best we brothers and sisters of the world can do is act for each other.  We must vote, we must debate.  That is the calling of the people who founded the United States of America.  Thomas Jefferson wanted the Revolution to be ongoing, and I plan to keep it up in my own way.

Together we will bring down the industrial-congressional complexes that so paralyze progress.

With that, I'm off to be an artist or something.  Honestly, I plan to make beautiful, thought-provoking, controversial films.  One day a political epic...starring a blogger who brings down the whole system through the power of words in cyberspace.

No, that'd be damn silly.  Bloggers are truly ineffectual beings.

SkyeWire OUT.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Obama's Contradiction: The Iran-USA Escalation

In May, the Islamic Republic of Iran brokered a deal to transport 1200 kilograms (approximately half) of its enriched Uranium fuel for storage in Turkey--a step to deter ongoing threats of new economic sanctions by the United Nations Security Council. The agreement, facilitated by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, requires the Turkish government to provide fuel to power a research reactor in Tehran.

The deal echoes a failed UN-backed deal, which called for Iran's low-enriched uranium to be transported to Russia and France for processing. It has been paralyzed for months--primarily due to Iran's lack of trust that reactor-grade fuel will be returned. The Islamic Republic demanded that the transaction occur on Iranian soil, at the same time. Western powers did not find this a valid request.

Despite the apparent de-escalation of Iran's nuclear aspirations, the United States and other Security Council members are not backing down from sanctions. The Iranian government does not plan to cease it's uranium enrichment, though it has vowed to both the international community and its own citizens that intentions are peaceful and civilian.

As we saw in last summer's botched election and ruthless crackdown on peaceful protestors, however, this theocratic regime is not a particularly honest or reliable authority.

That is not to say an escalation of diplomatic conflict is warranted. Especially if the outcome could be full-fledged war. Indeed, the position of President Barack Obama is highly questionable.

On April 20, the White House sent a letter to President Lula da Silva encouraging the deal, saying: "For us, Iran’s agreement to transfer 1,200 kg of Iran’s low enriched uranium (LEU) out of the country would build confidence and reduce regional tensions by substantially reducing Iran’s LEU stockpile." The President did not say it would mean the end of proposed sanctions, but stressed that this deal would send a powerful message to the international community, saying "I would urge Brazil to impress upon Iran the opportunity presented by this offer to 'escrow' its uranium in Turkey while the nuclear fuel is being produced."

Shortly after President Obama's wishes were granted, the sanctions were approved by a unanimous Security Council vote. What does this mean and what are the implications?

The sanctions are intended to target the military leadership of Iran as well as the institutions responsible for uranium enrichment--isolating state-controlled banks from the global financial system and blacklisting petroleum companies. Whether or not the strategy will succeed is unknown. The Bill Clinton sanctions on Iraq brought about the crippling of the Iraqi economy, and is oft-cited as an underlying cause of the mass looting and poverty-induced crime that so destabilized the country post-invasion. The Iran sanctions appear to be more focused on leadership, but there is no telling what effect they might have, or if they will be expanded.

Though the mainstream media will not attempt to analyze the contradictory behavior of the reformer President, it is vital that we ask why he voiced such support for the Turkey-Brazil deal in the first place? Why would this success not be praised? It is a clear improvement from the recent past, but is met with further escalation.

Perhaps it is an issue of American hegemony--that the USA was not a part of the negotiations delegitimizes the agreement for many in the Washington establishment. If other states are able to accomplish diplomatic goals that Americans are not, does this undermine USA's position as the sole super-power? Is peace truly the priority of this escalation?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Israel and Palestine, Real News Reports

Paul Jay, senior correspondant of the Real News Network, reports from Jerusalem on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Good Stuff.

More at The Real News

More at The Real News

Side note on the Real News:
This is one of the best sources you can find. They have developed a very successful, user-funded finance-model (no corporate dollars or ads) and plan to air on cable and satellite networks in the coming future. News like this is hard to come by these days! Check them out (, and donate some money if you like what you see. This is how we can save democracy.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Health Reform is Necessary... People

Dear President Obama:
I am 50 years old. I was diagnosed with carcinoma in-situ 16 years ago and following my divorce 12 years ago I became self-employed. After my Cobra ran out I was able to find costly, but affordable health insurance. As a responsible individual, I have struggled to maintain my individual coverage and have increased my deductible and out of pocket-limits in an attempt to control my cost and keep my health insurance.

Last year (2009) my insurance premium was increased over 25% even though I increased my deductible and out of pocket to the highest limits available. I paid out over $6075.24 in premiums, $2415.26 for medical care, $225 in co-pays and $1500 for prescriptions. I never reached my deductible of $2500 so the insurance company only paid out a total $935.32 to my providers.

I must repeat, in 2009 my insurance company received $6075.24 in premiums and paid out only $935.32!

I have just been notified that my premium for next year 2010 has been increased over 40% to $8496.24 ($708.02 per month) !!!! This is the same insurance company I have been with for over 11 cancer free years!!!

I need your Health reform bill to help me!!! I simply can no longer afford to pay for my health care costs!!

Thanks to this incredible premium increase demanded by my insurance company, January will be my last month of insurance.

I live in the house my mother & father built in 1958 and I am so afraid of the possibility I might loose this heirloom as a result of my being forced to drop my health care insurance. The health insurance industry has not denied me insurance directly, but indirectly they have by increasing my costs. They perceive me as becoming a higher risk factor to them despite being a loyal customer. I will never be able to obtain new health insurance due to the lack of real competition.

We are talking about Anthem who apparently has no respect for your attempts to reform the health insurance industry.

Please stay focused in your reform attempts as I and many others are in desperate need of your help.


Natoma Canfield

Friday, February 26, 2010

Death and Life of American Journalism

More at The Real News

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be Glad Bayh is Gone, Now Progressives Need to Fight!

Lots of news these days... First of all, people should not be so upset that Senator Evan Bayh has decided a reelection bid.  This guy is scum.  Not saying he is a bad man, but he is an obstructionist.  If you have been wondering who to be mad at over health care paralyzation, honestly you ought not blame the Republicans.  Democrats, with a supermajority have not been able to make any of the sweeping reforms that they promised.  That the people elected them to accomplish.  It is because people like Evan Bayh's wife have received millions of dollars from mega-interests like Wellpoint, a giant health insurance company.  These interests certainly expect something in return (i.e. no comprehensive health reform!).  Evan Bayh is not a "centrist" Democrat, he is a corporatist, plain and simple.  Glad to be rid of him.

The downside to his decision, however, could be that someone worse will win the seat.  This is within the realm of possibility, but hopefully Indiana progressives can rally behind a strong candidate.  Of course, the weakness of the progressive movement is a serious problem.  I can only resort to books and articles to recall a time when progressives actually cared enough to act in the streets.  Or at least to have a regular conversation on political matters.  To be informed.  Nowadays, these behaviors are considered taboo.  I know because I experience it on a regular basis.  Americans, particularly kids, are severely distracted by technology and pop culture.  Dangerously so.  We are in the 7th and 9th year of two serious wars, and who could give a damn?  During the Vietnam War college student protesters were shot and teargassed for their opposition.  Sure, we elected Obama, but if there is no substance behind the vote, then where is the change?  If there is no spirit to fight for the most important of causes, to hold Obama and Congress to the fire for health care, climate change, and financial reforms then who would expect them to happen?  Congress is terribly corrupt, so it will take a lot of pushing to get these things done.

The push is stronger than in the Bush years, but still not enough to make critical changes for our society's sake.  We need to wake up.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Most Important Television Show

Three.  Two.  One.  Time for Real Time!  I'm not so privy to writing about pop culture and t.v., but this is one show you better not miss.  As the Democrats in Washington squirm in their own slimy ineptitude, and us educated folks watch in utter disbelief, Bill Maher prepares to bring us back to Earth with his "so true" wit and intellectually diverse guest panelists.  It is the most important show of our day because it asks the questions that the news will not and cuts deeper than the Daily Show could ever hope.  Plus it makes me laugh.

It is fearless and cunning in its design and execution.  No guest is taboo--watching Ron Paul, George Carlin, Gore Vidal, Joe Scarborough, Mike Gravel, Chris Rock, Christopher Hitchens, Bill Moyers, Larry King, and Ashton Kutcher chat on a panel has never been so much fun!  Maher is an expert at bringing together lefties and righties and all the others in between, cutting past the personalities and ideology so that we may bear witness to an actual conversation about things that matter.  Sure, Bill might be a pot-smoking liberal, but he's smart and doesn't allow the show to disintegrate into partisan hackery.  Indeed, this entertainment show is of greater quality and information than any on FOX, MSNBC, and CNN.

If you have not checked it out, please do so.  For in these times of political and societal insanity, we need someone who can level with us.  To prove that it isn't just you going crazy.  Plus, the show is hilarious.  We all need a good laugh these days.

The new season premieres on HBO Friday, Feb 13 at 10!

This is great: