Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Religion: Update and Reflections

UPDATE AND REFLECTIONS on Religion Post (9/08/08):

This post certainly stirred some debate and controversy, which I believe is part of healthy discourse. After several days of reflection, however, I'd just like to bring my thoughts back to earth.

Let me be clear: the fact that I find religion silly, does not mean that I don't respect an individual's choice to subscribe to a particular belief. I was a believer for a long time, and I am far from certain that there is nothing out there. But I will say that even if there is a higher being of some sort, is there not some point where everything just is? In other words, even if there is a god or Flying Spaghetti Monster, isn't there a line where there is nothing higher, and everything just exists for existence's sake?

Who knows, really?

Furthermore, while I am happy that I shared my opinions on religion, I should have emphasized the more important and vital aspect of it: that religion is being used by the powerful to influence the masses into going along and supporting their plots for increased (albeit short-term) power and wealth. The masterminds of the Bush Administration are not motivated purely by zealotry (though they may be in part), but by gaining strategic power and economic supremacy in the world.